Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm back!

Sorry for all the neglect! My laptop charger died on me, so I had to order a replacement one (which took about 2 weeks to get around to ordering--long story). In that time I wan't able to use my laptop.
However, my charger came in yesterday. Finallyyy! I was so relieved!
My exact reaction when I received my replacement charger ^. Haha!

Felt good to be able to type on a full keyboard rather than a tiny digital one! But I was most excited to be able to use my Bamboo drawing tablet!

Did some more drawing today while drinking some homemade soy berry shake (delish!). 
Here's a sneak peak of what I'm working on (and a glimpse of my workspace):

Haha! I don't know why I have a Coca Cola magnet. I rarely drink it!
Right below the magnet you'll notice my wallet from Urban Originals. It was a gifted to me last September by my mom's cousin (to make it easier, I just call her my aunt). She's so lovely! As for the wallet:
 I love love love it! 

 Tangent? Sort of. haha! Anyway, I'm gonna try to do some more postings. I'll definitely be keeping up with my posting on Tumblr, so if you'd like, check it out.  

I know it seems like a hastle managing two blogs at once, but since I'm on summer break from uni, I have plenty of time. Plus, I think I want to take this blog in a different direction from my tumblr. I hope to post some stuff that probably wouldn't suit my tumblr. 
Anyway, it's quite late. I should call it a night.

xo A.L.D

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change." -Avatar Aang

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Late Night

You know you really wanna go to sleep when it's 3 A.M and you're basically chugging Sleepytime Tea.

I feel so tired, but I can't sleep.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Indiana JJ

Yesterday, my nephew and I began the filming for Indiana JJ (Title still in the works). We got into costume and quickly cranked out a mini script for the scene we were going to shoot. We ended up veering off from the script as usual (we like to improvise). But, I think a better term for it would be: guided improvisation.

If you're wondering about my on-screen performances, they've been quite mediocre. But I don't know if it's because I'm not a good actor, or simply because I'm usually distracted by the fact that I'm also directing, and guiding the other actors (mainly my nephew) while trying to act myself. But no matter, it's always a blast creating these short films.

And I'm so glad to say that I finally have a proper camera (two actually! Sony Bloggie and a Canon T3), and proper editing tools (Bye bye Movie Maker!) it should be great fun. Not only will we create something that's hopefully entertaining, but 'pretty' to look at as well haha!

Well, it's back to filming on this lovely lovely day!
